Per the price increase notification policy change that was implemented November 12, 2021, all price increase notifications must be submitted via the form below. Per the CSC Supplier Requirements Agreement, a 60-day notification is required for all price increases.

Keep in mind that CSC is, first and foremost, a purchasing cooperative. Our goal is to provide our members with industry-leading pricing and value. Raising prices should not be taken lightly and will expose you to review by the Supplier Relations Committee (SRC).

Price Increases will be reviewed by Executive Director Jeff Landry and the SRC. If you have any questions regarding this review process, please contact Jeff Landry.

Price Increase Notification

CSC Supplier Price Increase Notification

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    IMPORTANT: CSC has a 60-day notification policy for price increases.
  • Please be specific. What products are impacted? What is the % or average % of the increase?
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If your new price list is now available, please upload it below. If not, when will it be available?
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Specific justification required. Please include details including, but not limited to, specific increases you have received in raw materials, freight, labor, etc. Upload below increase letters from your suppliers or other justification documents, if applicable.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Please provide a breakdown for your products/service increase. For example, 65% is steel increases, 10% is nickel, 15% is freight, 10% is labor/overhead.
  • Should this increase be considered permanent or temporary? If temporary, what benchmarks are you using to determine when prices will decrease?
  • Preference would be a surcharge tied to specific market index(s) (steel, cotton, fuel, etc.). As the index price increases, so does the surcharge. As the index decreases, the surcharge follows.
  • When we announce price increases to members, we include a quote from suppliers that explains the increase. We will directly quote whatever you provide here.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.