2025 Convention Header

Supplier Registration

We’d like to give a sincere thank you to our Suppliers for your unwavering support and dedication to the CSC Annual Convention. Your involvement is instrumental in making this event such a success year after year. No other event provides you with as much face time and meaningful interaction with decision-makers from independent laundries. The Supplier Exhibition remains a key highlight of the show, giving you the opportunity to showcase your latest products to our Members. With registration now open, we’re excited to see you again and continue building these valuable connections!

Booth Purchase

Booth Purchase

We apologize for the issues surrounding exhibitor kits. They have been emailed to your booth purchaser directly from Shepard's. If you have an issue with your exhibitor kit please contact Ashton Masoud

Select Your Own Booth Location

  • Register early for the biggest selection! Select the "Exhibit Booth Purchase" button to get started.
  • To view the most up-to-date placement of other Suppliers on the exhibit hall floor, please check the booth map, which can be found through the button to the right.
  • Designate one person for the task to ensure only one booth is purchased for your company.
    • The person purchasing the booth has the option to attend or not attend. This selection is made during the booth purchase process.
  • If you would like your booth to be located next to another exhibitor, please coordinate with them.
  • Once your booth is purchased, your booth location cannot be changed.
  • During the booth selection process, you will have the option to pay via Stripe (Credit Card) or Purchase Order (Invoice).

Booth Prices

Purchase of a booth grants Supplier Attendees access to all aspects of the convention following Supplier Registration on Wednesday, March 19th, at 9:00 am. Attendees are invited to all meals, breakout sessions, keynotes, and the Supplier Exhibition following the time listed.

  • 10x10 Booth - 3 Attendees: $3,850
    • One 8' draped table, two chairs, wastebas­ket, identification sign, and listing in convention materials.
  • 10x10 Booth - 5 Attendees: $4,350
    • One 8' draped table, two chairs, wastebas­ket, identification sign, and listing in convention materials.
  • 10x20 Booth - 5 Attendees: $4,850
    • Two 8' draped tables, two chairs, wastebas­ket, identification sign, and listing in convention materials.
  • 10x20 Booth - 8 Attendees: $5,600
    • Two 8' draped tables, two chairs, wastebas­ket, identification sign, and listing in convention materials

Booths must be purchased and paid in full by December 15, 2024. Booth payments not paid in full by the deadline will incur a $500 fee.

Supplier Attendee Registration

Important Information

All communication regarding registration, booth purchasing, and hotel reservations will come directly from CSC. Please do not engage with third-party companies that promise hotel rooms under our block.

Questions? Please email registration@networkcsc.com.